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The X Zone Body Safety Program consist of materials designed to prevent child abuse and empower 3 to 6-year-old children to recognize and respond to abuse. This program was designed to be taught by parents or educators in many different settings. 


The lesson plan for the X Zone Program incorporates the Isabella’s Treasure storybook, and the X Zone music video that uses motion to teach children body safety. A coloring book reinforces what they have just learned in a fun and memorable way.





The program will incorporate the following when presented by

the Living Hope for Today Staff: 


  • Educate staff and parents by presenting Darkness to Light, Stewards of Children 2-hour training.

  • A D2L 20-minute video can be presented to the staff if they have had other prevention training. 

  • A letter explaining the program for the parents is provided and gives them the opportunity to opt their child out of the program a week before it is presented. 

  • A pre and post questionnaire for the adults and children to assess the knowledge they have gained from the program will be provided. 

  • Post questions will be provided for the teachers to ask the children three months after the presentation to assess the information they have retained. 

  • Assessment results will be shared with schools, churches and homeschool parents.

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What the professionals are saying

“In my work as a trauma-informed caregiver and behavior specialist, I have become increasingly aware of the need for advocacy for our children and general awareness of personal safety guidelines. I believe literature like what Cindy has created can be a stepping stone to opening discussions with our valuable young people and open the door to evoke change in the world. I look forward to sharing this story with clients and my own children as well.”


Leanne A Moore

Registered Behavior Technician

Mom of 3 Boys





“Cindy Smith has taken a very difficult, sensitive and important topic and turned it into a beautiful, kind, caring and proactive story for all ages.  I look forward to this book being useful for young as well as older children and even adolescents, as they read Isabella’s Treasure to younger children.  Sexual abuse needs to be stopped... victims need to feel empowered to speak up... and children need to feel confident to say NO to abusers.  This book is really going to have a positive impact on children's lives.  Thank you, Cindy, for being so brave as to take on this important topic and for being proactive with incredible sensitivity!”  


Teri Seibel Egbers

School Psychologist and School Counselor

Isabella’s Treasure is an engaging story that will delight children and a powerful child abuse prevention tool for parents and caregivers of children ages 2 to 6.


Isabella, the wisest fairy in the forest, gives Nellie different colored jewels that represent body safety rules. The Babbling Brook is in the background watching and giving Isabella her wisdom. Many Colors appears to help give comfort, when Nellie finds her friend Ollie crying in Butterfly Meadow. They discover he has been hurt by his uncle. With the new jewels Nellie has received from Isabella, she passes on what she has learned to Ollie. All his newfound friends accompany Ollie home so he can tell the trusted adult in his life, making sure he is safe and protected.


We can protect children by empowering them with the knowledge of what abuse is and what to do about it. 

© 2021 Living Hope for Today

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