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Cindy at the Bravely Retreat - August, 2019

Cindy L. Smith is an experienced pro-life public speaker who can motivate volunteers, inspire change and educate your group about major issues impacting our communities.


She is fearless and compassionate about women and children. Her enthusiasm for Christ and people is evident on any stage, large or small. 



Speaking Topics:


Are You 100% Pro-Life No Exceptions?​

Understanding and Preventing Child Abuse

Empowering Women

Forgiveness, Faith & Hope

Protecting Children from Predators

Writing for a Change



Click here to contact Cindy about speaking at your event.


Cindy is a Christian, award-winning author and an advocate for women and children. Adopted as an infant, Cindy's life journey has tested her faith and personal strength time and time again.

Learn More about Cindy


Cindy has intimate experiences with domestic violence, child abuse and healing through God's love. In fact, she wrote a book about it!


Cindy backs up her experiences and recommendations with data from trusted sources and always provides ways for attendees to learn more or get involved. 


She has harnessed her experiences, forming Living Hope for Today, to help others.




Cindy L. Smith at the 
Northwest Exchange Club

Speaker Testimonials

I heard Cindy speak for ten years at fundraising banquets when she was the director at Living Hope Transitional Homes, a program that housed and taught homeless mothers life skills. She shared, with an electrifying heart and passion for change about the abuse that leads many of the women and children to experience homelessness. She has chosen to take the worst in life and turn it into God’s plan to help others.


- Tia Ruehlman


I had the pleasure of hearing Cindy L Smith speak at a woman’s gathering at Shiloh United Methodist. I was impressed with her knowledge of the system and how it is lacking in its capability of fairness in helping the abused. She is an advocate for change and helping others to triumph over abuse.  She is a gifted speaker and writer. Invite her to speak and you will hear that she is a passionate overcomer!


-MaryBeth VonAllmen 

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